In mid-November '08 two sharks with frickin' lasers attached to their heads were created by the Overlord. During their first few days in existence they bore witness to a wild party with many drunk young people and all sorts of drunk shenanigans. However, after the party the two sharks were separated from each other, with one staying in the Overlord's room while the other got located in the hallway right outside the Overlord's door. No one could have foreseen the horrible events which were to take place because of this.
While one shark safely had place in the Overlord's room, the shark in the hallway faced a grim fate. During a period of three days the shark was butchered beyond recognition with knifes (or knife-like weapons - like scissors) by still unidentified vandals. This is unfortunately the true story of how two sharks became one and how a lonely journey began for the surviving shark.
Skip forward a few years, during which the shark had lived its lonely existence with the occasional party - of which one party resulted in two tattoos: one saying "PATTER!" (Danish for "boobs") and another being a poorly written conversation between God and Nietzsche. Though the shark had ensured so much, it still hadn't been shown recognition concerning something as simple as getting a name. This would the newly founded group of the Overlord's henchfolk however quickly correct and on July 18th, 2012, Fluffy McSharkah Khan was born.
From here on, the henchfolk wouldn't allow Fluffy's lonely history to repeat itself and they made sure to often include Fluffy in all sorts of shenanigans.
Fluffy McSharkah Khan had begun a new and wonderful journey with the henchfolk and their never-ending shenanigans. Fluffy was for the first time in its long existence truly alive; truly included; truly happy.